Debutante Profile
Debut - City Of A Thousand Dolls
Genre – Fantasy
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Miriam Forster learned to read at the age of five, wrote her first story at the age of seven and has been playing with words ever since. In real life she’s a recovering barista, a terrible housekeeper and a dealer--and duster--of books. But in her mind she’s a deadly international assassin-ninja AND a fantastic dancer. When Miriam isn’t writing, she plots out fight scenes, obsesses about anthropology, nature shows and British television, and reads far too much.
Notes from a YA Debutante
As the bio says, I’m a bit obsessive. It’s genetic. My father changes hobbies every six to eight months and I have an eight-year-old nephew who drew nothing but dinosaurs and the solar system for a year. When my family goes in on something, we go ALL IN.
Obviously I’m obsessed with making stuff up, but what happens when I’m not telling stories? Here are eight things I obsess about when I’m not writing.
1. Dinosaurs.
Do I need to defend this one? I mean dinosaurs are SO COOL. So maybe I watched Jurassic Park like six times in two weeks once. And maybe I own the entire Walking with Dinosaurs series and all three Jurassic Park movies and have a Pinterest board about dinosaurs. It’s not a problem. I CAN QUIT AT ANY TIME.
2. Television shows
Mostly crime dramas. Bones and CSI and Castle and NCIS and Criminal Minds. (So much Criminal Minds. I went on a Criminal Minds binge once where I watch the first three seasons in something like a week and a half.) But also anything BBC: Doctor Who, Sherlock, etc. Right now I’m on a Revenge kick, so that’s fun.
3. All nature programs narrated by David Attenborough
I’m pretty sure I own most of these by now, but I’ll rewatch them at the drop of a hat. Blue Planet and Planet Earth are perennial favorites, but I also like the ones where you see Attenborough himself. There’s nothing cuter than an older British man playing with a sloth.
4. Internet drama
I can admit it. I’m one of those people who loves Internet trainwrecks. I’ll gawk for days at people behaving badly online. I know I should ignore it, but it’s just SO fascinating, I can’t help myself.
5. Favorite books
Sometimes I go on binge reads of my favorite authors. Agatha Christie, Mercedes Lackey, Tamora Pierce, Donna Andrews. Even if I’ve read the books a hundred times, something about reading them all again is so comforting. It makes me happy.
6. Dancing/dance movies
I love to dance, though I’m not very good at it. But I also love to watch people dance. I will watch any dance movie or musical, even if the plot and acting sucks. As long as the dancing is awesome, I’m in. And then I will dance around the house to the soundtrack.
7. Anthropology/people groups
A lot of my smaller obsessions revolve around people groups or some program about cultures. I just love that there are so many different kinds of people out there, and so many wonderful stories. I love that not sharing was a social crime for the Inuit people and that the Khasi of Northeast India grow living bridges from tree roots. People are amazing, always.
8. The Avengers
This is my newest obsession. I’ve never really had the opportunity to get into comics and I hadn’t seen any of the previous movies. But I went to see Avenges in the theatres, and by the time it was over, I was hooked. Now I’m an official fangirl. I’m reading fanfiction and comic books and looking up character’s backstories online. It’s like a whole new world of obsessions just waiting to be explored!
(I’m in so much trouble.)
Bookie's Note: Miriam can we PLEASE be best friends? We are so alike it's crazy! I'm obsessed with all things Dinosaurs and I'm in the search for the Dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets that are apparently available in the US. I also love crime shows, Bones = LOVE and Dexter! And don't even get me started on my obsession of superheroes especially Marvel superheroes!
Make sure to come back tomorrow for the second half of Miriam's feature! We have some juicy secrets lined up and a fantastic giveaway!
Badass Bookie xx
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